
Misc Commands

Use the following commands to configure and view various other bits and bobs.

Name Example Usage
/info /info Brief stats overview of the bot.
/invite /help Display an output of common places to find help with the bot.
/invite /invite Sends you a message with the bot invite.
config list /config Displays the bots configuration.

Purge (Delete) Messages

Sometimes you may wish to clear channels, messages or just messages from specific people to help in the effective moderation of you server. To accomplish this you can use the following commands.


You must have Manage Messages permissions to run this command! Once run, you will be unable to restore deleted messages.

Name Example Usage
/purge /purge Deletes 100 messages in the current channel.
/purge count /purge count: 25 This would purge 25 messages in the current channel.


The following commands have no confirmation and will execute when run.

Creator Purge
Name Example Usage
creators purge /purgecreators Removes all manually added creators from announcing.
creators purge /purgecreators platform: twitch Removes all manually added creators on Twitch from announcing, works for all platforms.